Use "quoting|quotings" in a sentence

1. Quoting: hatch Battener 79054782

2. Stop quoting your slogans at me.

3. Amphiboly; Equivocation; Quoting Out of Context

4. Perhaps quoting Adam Smith is risky.

5. You're quoting yourself from The Strand Magazine.

6. Paraphrasing and Quoting: Bulleted and Numbered Lists

7. 1984) (quoting Compagnie des Beauxites de Guinee v

8. The author was quoting someone who was assisting the justice:

9. The Prime Minister ended by quoting the poet Robert Frost’s lines

10. Quoting from Revelation 4:11, the speaker emphasized the convention’s overall theme.

11. Particularly used in the phrase “Arrant knaves”, quoting Hamlet, and “Arrant nonsense”

12. Perhaps it is not surprising to see Howard Gardner quoting him approvingly.

13. Jesus was here quoting from the creation account recorded in Genesis chapter 2.

14. He was quoting the opening words of the “world’s best-seller,” the Bible —Gen.

15. 41 Quoting the Vande Zande decision, the Court addressed the appropriateness of such accommodations:

16. A “kingdom divided against itself comes to ruin,” he said, quoting Jesus Christ. —Luke 11:17.

17. Nevertheless, this shows that we must exercise care when quoting certain portions from the Bible.

18. Jerz > Writing > Academic > [ Argument Titles Thesis Statements Blueprinting Quoting Citing MLA Format ]

19. To be effective ministers, what do we need to do in addition to quoting scriptures?

20. I ain't gonna get in no Bible quoting with no nun because I'm gonna lose.

21. Adjective of, like, or containing aphorisms: His sermons were richly aphoristic. given to making or quoting aphorisms.

22. Give me the capacity to bear my burden,” the Prime Minister said, quoting from Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore.

23. On the steps of the Paris Stock Exchange the gold-skinned men quoting prices on their gemmed fingers.

24. I find that absolutely acceptable, but the point is not whether Mr Ribeiro e Castro was quoting correctly.

25. This paper analyzes simple interest rate and full price quoting framework now used in Chinas Bond Markets.

26. The oldest reference (an 1899 essay quoting a letter from 1540) contains the other meaning of Bolded (made brave)

27. Unless you’re quoting speech or trying to create a folksy tone, brought is safer than brang or Brung.

28. Atlantic Resorts, Ltd., 735 F.2d 61, 63 (3d Cir.1984) (quoting Compagnie des Beauxites de Guinee v

29. At this point the paper used quotation marks, giving the impression that it was quoting the actual report

30. Bernie Sanders’ online supporters after quoting a column on the air Monday that described them as a “digital Brownshirt brigade

31. Then one day while I was queuing up for a shower, I heard a voice quoting Proverbs 3:5, 6 . . .

32. The conduit work was discrete and Cooling unit was set up very well.Todd was very helpful from quoting through installation

33. Quoting again from Golf in the Kingdom: Many thoughts that arise as you are playing must be brushed aside.

34. The representative of BASF warned the other participants in the meeting against quoting the same price to all customers.

35. Assert will terminate the program (usually with a message quoting the Assert statement) if its argument turns out to be false

36. 21 Medcalf goes even further, quoting a clinician's opinion that Hoccleve suffered several episodes of a manic form of affective psychosis.

37. Synonyms for Adducing include citing, quoting, mentioning, naming, instancing, referring to, making reference to, alluding to, specifying and pointing out

38. Mukherjee. Sir, despite all the pressures India did not allow the Indian cricket team to tour Pakistan quoting security reasons.

39. She defended her remarks, saying that she was quoting from "On Negro Slavery," an essay about abolitionism written by Montesquieu in 1748.

40. Blankit is an all-in-one employee benefits management solution that streamlines your quoting process and integrates with major HRIS platforms

41. 27 Medcalf goes even further, quoting a clinician's opinion that Hoccleve suffered several episodes of a manic form of affective psychosis.

42. Confederations’ character: Definitions of Confederations, like those of states, are multifarious, and no useful purpose would be served by quoting them

43. Actually, the voice was that of another prisoner quoting this text, but the incident emphasizes what power God’s Word can exert on us.

44. Quoting Gandhiji, the Prime Minister said that all sections of people joined in, responding to Mahatma Gandhi’s clarion call of “Do or Die.”

45. At any rate, by reading or quoting directly from the Scriptures, Jesus gave Peter and the others an opportunity to respond from their hearts.

46. (Psalm 40:8) When questioned by opposers, he could therefore respond by quoting the Scriptures from memory. —Matthew 19:3-6; 22:23-32.

47. Glenn Greenwald blasts liberal media for 'deceitful playbook' of 'Corroborating' false stories Washington Post, other outlets forced to issue correction after wrongly quoting Trump

48. Quoting from a London adman, the article continues: “Eroticism has always been part of the advertiser’s armory, but in France they’re approaching overkill.”

49. The quality of the nursing records was improved and the nursing records were impersonal, true, veracious and can meet the need for quoting.

50. You will see that the Anecdotes range from quickly re- telling a story to quoting an expression and some even ask a question to begin

51. Acknowledging, Paraphrasing, and Quoting Sources When you write at the college level, you often need to integrate material from published sources into your own writing

52. After quoting Proverbs 27:17, “By iron, iron itself is sharpened,” the August 15, 1993, Watchtower observed: “We are like instruments that need regular sharpening.

53. Personalized Quote Process We treat the quoting process as a partnership-building opportunity and a chance to expose potential customers to Catty’s first-class customer care.

54. Anne Applebaum ends her piece after quoting a German woman from the former GDR who speaks about the many different ‘dissidences’ that counter all the Collaborationisms

55. Quoting officials in both Democratic and Republican parties, Politico said the announcements would be made early next week when Obama would also confirm his choice of Clinton.

56. Apeek replied to rsc204's topic in SC4 Bugs & Technical Issues Without quoting terminology or questioning semantics, I detect a distinctly nonpositive, almost adversarial tone

57. Løgstør, however, besides quoting for supplying traditionally-produced pipes, put in an alternative bid for continuous pipes which was almost the same as the consortium's offer.

58. The assigned topic was honesty, and instead of quoting the 13th article of faith, we used an example of a man whose nickname was Honest Abe.

59. The Bitty is the culmination of th Read More There is a Shakespeare quote about being little but fierce but something tells us that quoting Shakespeare in a …

60. --- Laughter I am a little bit alarmed to note that in addition to quoting from the documents, there are references to what the footnote calls "marginal notes".

61. Let me illustrate this point by quoting from a letter written many years ago by a new convert at that time and addressed to President Harold B.

62. Last week The Times of India quoting from the CAG report said , " The entire lot of caskets was subsequently rejected during inspection on grounds of being overweight and welded .

63. Barnaby considers the Browning-quoting Super "an oaf." When Barnaby returns, he discovers in his quest to close one last case, Pringle Bolluxed a murder investigation.

64. Whenever quoting a shipment, the portal that you use (or at least one worth its salt) will ask if any Accessorial services need to be performed to complete the shipping process.

65. Mahindra Susten, ACME Solar Holdings, and Solengeri Power won the first, second and third units quoting tariffs of Rs 2.979, Rs 2.970 and Rs 2.974 for the first year of operations.

66. ‘an enthusiastic Apologist for fascism in the 1920s’ More example sentences ‘Religious Apologists have tended to argue from authority to justify their beliefs, often quoting from texts such as the Bible.’

67. The next time you encounter the Apostasy argument, ask the Mormon to read the entire context of whatever verse he’s quoting and show you where the writer mentions a complete Apostasy

68. But state-run China National Radio said the iodine content of edible salt in the country averages between 20-30 microgrammes per kilogramme, quoting experts saying that is too low to have any effect.

69. The Strasbourg Papyrus starts with a praise the Father for the creation of heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, quoting Psalm 146:6 as usual in the Alexandrine anaphoras.

70. Answer (1 of 2): Does Mark 1:3 (quoting Isaiah, and Malachi somewhere near) prove that Jesus is God in Mark, or can the position of the christology being Adoptional still be held? Yes

71. Today the principal opposition party has raised the question about and quoting the Dassault Aviation annual report that Qatar and Egypt got their aircrafts lesser than the price in which India bought them.

72. Quoting, underwriting, and writing of insurance, namely, property and casualty, providing services, namely, claims administration, claims adjustment, brokerage, insurance policy management, financial planning, consultation and research in the fields of insurance and financial planning

73. Will the Commission, which previously failed to accept that the advertisement was misleading, quoting unspecified scientific research, at least now take note of the ruling given by a self-regulatory authority for advertising standards?

74. ‘Religious Apologists have tended to argue from authority to justify their beliefs, often quoting from texts such as the Bible.’ ‘Her alibi, offered by her Apologists, is that she was starved of affection - a euphemism for sex.’

75. Calumny comes from the Latin word calvi, meaning "to trick, deceive," which is why it can also describe falsely accusing someone or quoting them out of context with the intent to do them harm

76. The two groups first Altercated over the share of money from selling the drugs at Leda Rohingya Camp in Teknaf's Hnila around 3pm on Friday, Teknaf Police Station OC Ranajit Kumar Barua said quoting residents of the camp

77. 1936, June 1, quoting Nathan Browne Eddy, Morphine Substitutes‎[1]: whether any of the substances possess Addicting properties is very difficult to determine on animals, although efforts are being made to study this aspect of the problem on dogs and monkeys

78. (slang, Britain) best friend 2002, Imelda Pilgrim, quoting Sugar Magzine, Basic Skills in Neab GCSE English, page 76: Value your Bezzies 2010, Cara Aikin, Family Experiences of Bipolar Disorder, page 10: Sandy, my bezzy, we've held each other up for almost ten years

79. Quoting from the Septuagint version, he wrote: “Just as Isaiah had said aforetime: ‘Unless Jehovah of armies had left a seed to us, we should have become just like Sodom, and we should have been made just like Gomorrah.’” —Romans 9:29.

80. A review in The Princetonian Caviled with Hopkins’ treatment of town-gown relations but undermined its critique by quoting Lippincott’s January essay on social life at Harvard, whose students have “no more acquaintance with the world about college than a clerk has in …